An American man who was hospitalized after being infected with the corona virus (Covid-19) has been discharged after 203 days.

Nepali Janta

Kathmandu, July 28 – An American man who was hospitalized after being infected with the corona virus (Covid-19) has been discharged after 203 days. Sean Hunt was treated at Norfolk and Norwich Hospitals. Hunt, 58, spent more than half of his time in the ICU during treatment at the hospital.

He fell ill last January and was admitted to hospital for treatment. He was diagnosed with diabetes and pancreatitis before he developed corona infection.

Hunt, the longest-serving patient in the hospital, had lost hope. Three times he came to the hospital for a final leave. Hunt, a teacher by profession, was placed on a ventilator and doctors did not expect him to live.

Hunt also said he thought he would not live long. Even the doctors had told him that he could not live long. He was operated on seven times during treatment for pancreatitis. Dr. Bhaskar Kumar, who is involved in the treatment, says that his chances of survival are very low as many parts of his body have stopped working and two diseases have occurred at the same time. However, the doctors continued their efforts.

After being discharged from the hospital on Friday, Hunt urged people to get vaccinated against corona. “It’s very important that the risk of contracting this disease is very low,” he said. That’s the decent thing to do, and it should end there. ”

Now Hunt needs someone to help him walk. He is confident that he will be able to walk as soon as possible.

Published Date : 28 Jul 2021

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